Purchase of trees, shrubs : 405 articles (31/41)

classification by price - alphabetical

Osmanthus, Burkwood

Osmanthus x 'Burkwoodii' Young plug plant - Height of plant: 15/20 cm (6/8").
Price : 4,25 €Go to article of

Osmanthus, variegated holly-leaf

Variegated holly-leaf osmanthus - Osmanthus heterophyllus variegata Young plug plant - Height of pla
Price : 4,95 €Go to article of

Osmanthus, variegated holly-leaf

Variegated holly-leaf osmanthus - Osmanthus heterophyllus variegata Young plug plant - Height of pla
Price : 3,50 €Go to article of

Pampas grass

Pampas grass - Cortaderia selloana Young plug plant ? Height of plant: 40/50 cm. (16/20").
Price : 3,50 €Go to article of

Pampas grass

Pampas grass - Cortaderia selloana Young plug plant ? Height of plant: 40/50 cm. (16/20"). Unit pric
Price : 2,95 €Go to article of

Pampas grass, pink

Pink pampas grass - Cortaderia selloana rosea Young plug plant ? Height of plant: 30/40 cm. (12/16")
Price : 3,50 €Go to article of

Pampas grass, pink

Pink pampas grass - Cortaderia selloana rosea Young plug plant ? Height of plant: 30/40 cm. (12/16")
Price : 2,95 €Go to article of

Pea shrub, Siberian

Siberian pea shrub - Caragana arborescens Young plug plant - Height of plant: 50/60 cm.
Price : 4,50 €Go to article of

Pea shrub, Siberian

Siberian pea shrub - Caragana arborescens Young plug plant - Height of plant: 50/60 cm. Unit price a
Price : 2,95 €Go to article of

Pearlbush, common

Common pearlbush - Exochorda racemosa Young plug plant ? Height of plant: 10/15 cm (4/6").
Price : 4,25 €Go to article of
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