Purchase of trees, shrubs : 198 articles (3/20)

classification by price - alphabetical

Apricot tree'Bergeron'

Apricot tree 'Bergeron' 2 years old Plant grown in 7,5 liters pot Straight Trunc of about 100 cms be
Price : 49,50 €Go to article of

Apricot tree'Bergeron'

Apricot tree 'Bergeron' 3 years old Plant grown in 15 liters pot Height of plant: 125/150 cm (3 to 5
Price : 59,50 €Go to article of

Apricot tree'Hatif de Colomer'

Apricot tree 'Hatif de Colomer' 3 years old Plant grown in 12 liters pot Height of plant: 175/200 cm
Price : 59,50 €Go to article of

Apricot tree'Rouge du Roussillon'

Apricot tree 'Rouge du Roussillon' 3 years old Plant grown in 15 liters pot Height of plant: 175/200
Price : 59,50 €Go to article of

Apricot tree'Rouge du Roussillon'

Apricot tree 'Rouge du Roussillon' 2 years old Plant grown in 7,5 liters pot Straight Trunc of about
Price : 49,50 €Go to article of

Berry, Hybrid

Hybrid Berry 'Buckingham' ? Rubus fruticosus x idaeus 'Buckingham' Young plug plant ? Height of plan
Price : 9,50 €Go to article of

Berry, Hybrid

Hybrid Berry 'Buckingham' ? Rubus fruticosus x idaeus 'Buckingham' Young plug plant ? Height of plan
Price : 7,95 €Go to article of

Berry, Hybrid

Hybrid Berry 'Buckingham' ? Rubus fruticosus x idaeus 'Buckingham' Plant grown in 1,5 liters pot - H
Price : 12,50 €Go to article of

Berry, Hybrid

Hybrid Berry 'Buckingham' ? Rubus fruticosus x idaeus 'Buckingham' Plant grown in 1,5 liters pot - H
Price : 10,95 €Go to article of


BlackBerry 'Dirksen' - Rubus fruticosus 'Dirksen' Bare rooted plant.
Price : 7,90 €Go to article of
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